The Baby Boomer generation consists of around 79 million people, the result of the post-World War II birth boom. They grew up during a time of great social, racial and political change and turmoil that shaped who they are today. As this integral group of American culture ages, they will face another change, one that eventually affects everyone: loss of mobility.
Whatever their individual needs, one thing is clear: senior-friendly, accessible housing will be at a premium. Nursing and assisted living homes are also options, but one trait of the Baby Boomers is that they are independent and like to do things their own way. With that in mind, you may be looking at needing to make modifications to your parent’s home. But where do you start?
Let’s assume one of your parents is in a wheelchair. First things first: they need a way to get into their home. A small ramp or no-step entry to the front door is essential, as is having a large enough maneuvering space on the doorstep to get a wheelchair in position.
The second thing you need to look at it is widening doorways throughout your parent’s home so that a wheelchair can fit through. Doorways need to be a minimum of 32 inches wide for a wheelchair to comfortably pass through. Once inside, you may need to create more space for a wheelchair to maneuver in each room. You can rearrange the furniture or even sell or giveaway furniture that is taking up too much space and isn’t necessary anymore.
Next you need to look at the bathrooms in your home for accessibility. Hammer Medical specializes in bathroom safety modifications, as well as accessibility modifications for the rest of your home.
If your parents wish is to stay independent in their own home, then contact Hammer Medical today about an accessibility evaluation to help your parents stay safe and healthy in their home.
Tags: Baby Boomer, home accessibility, ramp, Senior, senior-friendly home, wheelchair