It looks like spring has finally arrived in Iowa and it’s time to tackle those spring projects we’ve planned for. But before you jump into these big projects, Hammer Medical wants you to think ahead and use a little bit of prevention to stay safe and healthy.
If you have been sitting most of the winter, your body probably isn’t ready to tackle the big projects. There are several simple ways to prevent injuries.

If you’re working outside, be sure to wear a hat that protects you from the sun and the proper gloves and attire like this man.
Warm up stretches are a simple and essential step to a busy day. Stretching is not just for runners, it’s a way to prepare the body to use the muscle groups that may be a bit underused. Take a look at these stretching techniques from Function Fitness Facts. Do as much as you can carefully.
Take a walk. Walking is a great way to wake your body up, warm up and loosen up before your tasks. Don’t overdo it; you may want to walk after your chores too as a cool down.
Schedule a short day. One or two hours may be plenty to start with. If you can do half of a day comfortably that’s great; don’t push it.
Take breaks. A few short breaks will let your body keep up with can-do spirit.
Eat a light meal before you start your projects. No big meals that may weigh you down, just enough to give your body fuel. Save the big meal or restaurant as a reward for a job well-done.
Stay hydrated. Keep water with you or close by as you work. Dry muscles are sore muscles, and that goes for your brain too.
Is it time to “spring clean” your home medical equipment? If you’ve been waiting for a time to replace worn out equipment or supplies, or to have your wheelchair inspected, spring is a great time! Hammer Medical has an online catalog full of new equipment and we can help you with any questions or concerns.
Remember that a little prevention goes a long way. Happy Spring, Iowa!
Tags: exercise, gardening, injury prevention, landscaping, outdoor activity, spring, spring cleaning